- Overture / Going Through the Motions - [2:59]
- I've Got a Theory / Bunnies / If We're Together - [2:22]
- The Mustard - [0:18]
- Under Your Spell - [2:56]
- I'll Never Tell - [4:01]
- The Parking Ticket - [0:45]
- Rest in Peace - [2:44]
- Dawn's Lament - [1:20]
- Dawn's Ballet - [1:12]
- What You Feel - [3:00]
- Standing - [2:11]
- Under Your Spell / Standing (Reprise) - [1:35]
- Walk Through the Fire - [3:44]
- Something to Sing About - [4:40]
- What You Feel (Reprise) - [0:46]
- Where Do We Go From Here? - [1:53]
- Coda - [0:40]
- End Credits (Broom Dance / Grr Argh) - [0:32]
- Main Title - [0:27]
- Suite From Restless -
Willow's Nightmare / First Rage / Chain of Ancients - [5:04]
- Suite From Hush -
Silent Night / First Kiss / Enter The Gentlemen / Schism - [6:57]
- Sacrifice (From The Gift) - [2:57]
- Something to Sing About (demo version) sung by Buffy creator Joss Whedon and wife Kai Cole - [4:30]
All songs, music & lyrics: Joss Whedon
Tracks 9, 20, 21, 22 composed by: Christophe Beck
Track 19 composed by: Nerf Herder
Executive Producer: Christopher Buchanan
Produced by: Christophe Beck, Jesse Tobias & Joss Whedon